Friday, 23 February 2007

Boris A. Uspenskij at USI

Boris A. Uspenskij will be at USI on March 12, 2007 (from 10:30 to 12:30, room 351) for a conference organized by the Istituto linguistico-semiotico on the topic:

Law and Religion in Muscovite Russia
"The author of the present paper tries to explain why there was no witch-hunt in Russia at the time when it was a common phenomenon in Western Europe. It is argued that witches had a special social and legal position in Russia. Their position can be understood in view of specific relations between Church and state in the country".
B. Uspenskij's biography (in Italian):
Studioso assai noto nella comunità scientifica internazionale per aver affrontato con molta originalità svariate discipline nell´ambito linguistico-semiotico, culturologico e storico. Dopo le ricerche agli inizi degli anni ´60 nel campo morfologico e tipologico, ha esteso la sua ricerca alla filologia (in particolare slava), alla storia della lingua, alle arti figurative, per giungere alla semiotica della storia e alla semiotica della cultura. Ha sviluppato la sua ricerca e la sua carriera di docente all´Università di Mosca, insegnando però come visiting professor anche alle università di Vienna, Harvard e Graz. Ha collaborato a lungo alla Scuola di Tartu con Jurij Lotman. Nel 1993 è stato chiamato dall´Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. È autore di numerosissime pubblicazioni, tradotte fra l´altro in tutte le maggiori lingue occidentali, e membro di numerose associazioni e accademie di prestigio internazionale.

Friday, 16 February 2007

Interesting link

Today I suggest an interesting link to another blog: (in French), where Mr. Pillon has collected his note on a small conference he organized in January about: "Les représentations graphiques et visuelles de la preuve et des inférences dans un contexte juridique".
Douglas Walton and Tim van Gelder were among the participants.

Thursday, 15 February 2007


I announce with great joy that the blog is re-born. I had some technical problems with the account, but now they seem to be resolved.

It is a pleasure for me to re-start with some images from the Amsterdam-Lugano Colloquium on argumentation theory, held in Lugano on January 12-13, 2007, and organized by the Istituto lingustico-semiotico.

The conference was devoted to advances in argumentation theory.
Full papers were presented by: Agnès van Rees, Bart Garssen, Bert Meuffels, Eveline T. Feteris, Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, Frans H. van Eemeren, Jan Albert van Laar, Jean Wagemans, José Plug and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, Leah E. Polcar (University of Amsterdam); Eddo Rigotti and Andrea Rocci, Sara Greco Morasso, Sara Rubinelli and Peter Schulz (University of Lugano); Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont and Nathalie Muller-Mirza (University of Neuchâtel); Giovanni Gobber, Sarah Bigi (Catholic University of Milan).
Short papers were presented by: Sabine Christopher-Guerra, Rudi Palmieri (University of Lugano); Fabrizio Macagno (Catholic University of Milan).