Saturday, 23 January 2010

La bibliométrie en question

La bibliométrie en question: origines, approches et alternatives

"Ce premier colloque vise à clarifier les origines de la bibliométrie conventionnelle

dans le domaine de l’évaluation de la recherche. Dans une perspective historique

et méthodologique, nous examinerons les approches dominantes et alternatives

possibles. Un accent particulier sera mis sur les sciences humaines et sociales,

non seulement comme objets de mesure et d’évaluation complexes, mais aussi et

surtout comme disciplines riches en enseignement pour comprendre la recherche

en action. L’articulation entre approches quantitatives et qualitatives sera au

centre du débat. Le colloque s’adresse à toute personne intéressée ou concernée

par la thématique, que ce soit dans une perspective politique, administrative ou

scientifique. Les communications seront en français et en anglais."


Neuchâtel, February 4 and 5 2010 - participation is free

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Würzburg International Symposium on Dialogue in Politics

Political Dialogue Analysis

Würzburg International Symposium on Dialogue in Politics

13-15 September 2010


Human beings are articulate mammals and political agents. How are the two connected: is

there a direct connection between them? Is politics necessarily mediatised, or is it articulated

directly? What is political dialogue, and what are the realisations of dialogue about politics

and political dialogue?

The goal of the symposium on Dialogue in Politics is to bring together different analytic

approaches and methodologies used in political discourse analysis and political dialogue

analysis, examining politics as text-and-talk, politics as media events, the construction of

micro politics and macro politics in and through dialogue, to name but the most prominent

ones. In this sense, the symposium is open to the various approaches in Dialogue Analysis and

Political Discourse Analysis but will have a specific focus on approaches that aim at

addressing the mixed game of effective dialogic interaction. Issues related to cultural norms

and cultural variation, mediatisation and institutionalization of political dialogue are included.

Possible session topics:

Parliamentary discourse

Political interview

Political speech

Political identities

Politics and power

Politics and gender

Politics as text and talk

Positioning in political dialogue

Abstracts and registration

Deadline for abstracts 15 March 2010.

Registration early bird by 1 May 2010.


Website: http: //