Monday, 26 July 2010

The Fourth TOKYO CONFERENCE ON ARGUMENTATION: The Role of Argumentation in Society

A very early announcement, by the way... I am always a bit reluctant about making commitments about the future. Who knows? I have no idea where I will be.
But still, an interesting conference that deserves to be published on my blog: "The role of argumentation in Society".
Besides, imagine going to Japan! I love sushi :-)

The Fourth TOKYO CONFERENCE ON ARGUMENTATION: The Role of Argumentation in Society

August 10-12, 2012
Sponsored by the Japan Debate Association (JDA)
------------------------------------Keynote Speakers------------------------------------

David Zarefsky, PhD Yoshiro Yano, PhD
Northwestern University Chuo University


The 4th Tokyo Conference on Argumentation will be held August 10-12, 2012, in Tokyo, Japan. The conference is sponsored by the Japan Debate Association (JDA). The conference is designed to encourage exchanges of views on the theory, practice and instruction of argumentation across the disciplines. Presentations related to the convention theme “The Role of Argumentation in Society” are encouraged, but proposals are not restricted to it. Potential topics of interest include: argumentation and rhetoric, forensic pedagogy, the philosophy and psychology of reasoning, practical studies, and studies of historical argumentative texts. Qualified papers will appear in our Proceedings to be distributed at the Conference.

On-line submission of abstracts will be accepted starting November 16, 2010. Submit your title, affiliation and abstract (200-300 words) by January 15, 2012, on our web site at: Acceptance will be notified by February 20, 2012. Accepted authors who wish to have their papers considered for publication in the Proceedings must submit full manuscript by May 20, 2012. If you have questions, please contact Planning Committee Chair Takeshi Suzuki, School of Information and Communication, Meiji University, 1-9-1 Eifuku, Suginami, Tokyo 168-8555 JAPAN, or send your question at:

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

ISSA conference 2010

I haven't been writing for a while but this was an important month for argumentation scholars. From June 29 to July 2 we have been experiencing the 7 ISSA conference in Amsterdam.

An impressive number of scholars has participated in this event, which was a really good occasion for scientific dialogue. For me personally, the ISSA conference this year has opened new interesting research paths. It has also allowed me to see different traditions of the study of argumentation, "encountering", for example, many interesting studies coming from rhetoricians working in the US.

We were a numerous group of Swiss researchers, including many PhD students working on argumentation in context - which is one of the results of the doctoral program Argupolis (

The detailed conference program had been published here: The ISSA Conference proceedings are in the process of being prepared.